This is our new home! (gulp!)
Once the decision was made to take a break from our everyday and head south, we then had to come up with a means of propulsion.
Could we buy a cheap boat, learn to sail and head for the Caribbean? We went so far as to take some sailing lessons but quickly realized that even if we survived (which was unlikely) the marriage surely would not.
Do we just grab a couple back packs and chicken bus our way through Latin America? We’ve done that a bit in our youth and while an inexpensive option we quickly tossed the idea in search of a little more comfort.
Could we bounce our way down the Pan American Hwy from guest house to guest house in Sam’s Fiat? Cheap on gas but more than a little snug. We wouldn’t be able to take any gear or get off the beaten path at all.
In the end it came down to either a Jeep Wrangler with a built in pop up tent or a pick up truck with a truck camper.
A research road trip down to the Overland Expo in Asheville, North Carolina where it rained for three days and temperatures got in to single digits (Celsius) made the decision for us.