Food delivery
Glavrida from amet – lorem glavrida nullam porta nulla non arcu lorem.
Glavrida from amet – lorem glavrida nullam porta nulla non arcu lorem.
Pellentesque purus et sem nibh mattis nunc donec vel varius egestas.
After completing the Chilean Lake District we crossed into Argentina for the 6th time of the trip and immediately entered…
Chile’s Ruta 7 or as it is more commonly known, the Carretera Austral runs 1,240 km through a stunning landscape…
From Ushuaia it was a half day’s drive to the border crossing back into Chile, another couple hours and we…
We were sad to say good bye to Buenos Aires but were anxious to get back to the truck and…
With our visit home complete and having successfully missed a couple months of Southern Hemisphere winter, we landed back in…
The crossing from Bolivia to Argentina was a smooth process with a moment of humour thrown in. A Bolivian policeman…